Terms and Conditions


  1. In these terms and conditions, the following terms have the meanings appearing alongside them:
    • “Site”—the website [drinkmine.com].
    • “Operator”—the Site operator, Drink Mine Ltd., private co. no. 516240876.
    • “Products”—all the products appearing and displayed on the Site.
    • “User”—anyone who browses the Site for any reason whatsoever, whether intentionally or not, whether for the purpose of viewing the Products appearing and displayed on the Site or not, whether occasionally or regularly, provided that he is an adult and over the legal age for alcohol consumption in his residence’s state.
  2. The chapter titles in these terms and conditions are intended for the sake of convenience only and are not to be used in interpreting the terms and conditions.
  3. It is hereby clarified that the contents of these terms and conditions refer equally to both sexes and in the plural, and the use of the grammatical masculine is used for convenience only.


  1. Drink Mine is a website owned by Drink Mine Ltd., private co. no. 516240876, that presents wine cans created by the Operator at the sole discretion of the Site Operator.
  2. Warning: the Products contain alcohol—it is recommended to refrain from excessive drinking of alcohol. Excessive consumption of alcohol is life-threatening and harmful to health!
  3. These terms and conditions set out the relationship between the Site and/or the Operator on one hand and the User on the other.
  4. Every User as defined above declares and undertakes that he has read these terms and conditions and agrees to their provisions. It is clarified that a User who does not consent to the Site’s terms of use or to these terms and conditions is requested not to make any use, of any kind whatsoever, of this Site.
  5. The Site’s terms of use and/or viewing its content and/or performing any activity there, whether independently or by another, is a form of providing consent by the User:
    • to the Site’s terms and conditions, declaring and undertaking that he will have no claim and/or action and/or demand against the Operator and/or anyone on its behalf to make claims related to a breach of the Operator’s commitments under the terms and conditions, including that the Site and/or the Operator and/or anyone on their behalf will not be responsible for any damage of any kind or type whatsoever that is caused to the User and/or anyone on his behalf and/or to a third party as a result of using the site;
    • to the privacy policy;
    • to the Operator’s right to modify the terms and conditions and/or the privacy policy and/or the details of the Products appearing on the Site and all that derive therefrom from time to time at its sole discretion and without the need to give advance notice, and every change takes effect from the date of its publication on the Site; and
    • that the Operator’s computer records and its alone constitute proof of the accuracy of operations for the purpose of operations executed on the Site by the User.
  6. Each User on the Site hereby declares and confirms that there is no factual, legal, commercial or legal and/or other impediment whatsoever to his entering into this agreement.
  7. All the rights to the information included on the Site, including—but not limited to—trademarks and/or copyrights and/or designs (if any) are the property of the Operator. Information from the Site may not be copied, duplicated, distributed or published, nor may commercial use be made of the data appearing on the Site without the Operator’s prior, written consent. These rights also apply to the Site design and its computer code. In addition, the logo, the trademarks, the Site name and the icons that appear there are the exclusive property of the Operator, whether registered or not, and none of them may be used without obtaining the Operator’s prior, written approval.
  8. It is clarified that no person and/or corporation and/or anyone else, including—but not limited to—the User, has the right to request and/or demand and/or receive information and/or documents regarding the details of the Operator’s contractual engagements with third parties.
  9. The Operator is not liable for any act and/or omission by a third party with whom it has entered into an agreement related to presenting the Products on the Site, including everything arising therefrom.
  10. The Operator will enable the User to register on the Site and to enter his details on the Site (email address, residential address, cell phone number etc.) in places designated for that purpose on the Site. It is clarified that the User is aware that any such information that he provides to the Site will be saved in the Operator’s database, and the User will have no claim and/or demand and/or action against the Operator in this matter.
  11. The Operator reserves the exclusive right to restrict any use of the Site whatsoever, without any conditions or restrictions, by any User whatsoever on the Site, whether by a random User or a registered User.
  12. This Site’s terms of use under these terms and conditions apply to the use of the Site through any computer and/or other media and/or means of communication through which this Site can be browsed and through which use can be made and/or actions can be performed on the Site.
  13. It is clarified that if the Operator hosts games on the Site, the User is aware that the Operator is not obligated to award winnings and/or prizes in connection with the games.
  14. Images of the Products that appear on the Site are for illustrative purposes only and do not bind the Operator. Without derogating from the above, it is clarified that the Operator will do to the best of its ability to display images that are as accurate as possible of the Products on the Site.
  15. It is clarified that a clerical error on the Site will not bind the Operator in any way whatsoever.
  16. It is clarified that the Operator may update the details of the Products displayed on the Site from time to time and add or remove details and/or Products from time to time at the sole discretion of the Operator.

Liability, security, and privacy policy

  1. The Operator and/or anyone on its behalf take the standard precautions to maintain information confidential to the extent possible. The User’s personal details on the Site (name, email etc.) will be saved in the database managed by the Operator.
  2. To be removed from the aforesaid database, email hi@drinkmine.com. It is clarified and agreed that the removal may take up to 14 business days from the date of receiving the request.
  3. The Operator’s Site is secured by the most advanced technology in the world for content security. The information entered into the system is kept secret using the most advanced security and encryption systems currently available. The above information is transferred from the User’s personal computer and/or other media and/or other means of communication by which this site can be browsed to the Operator’s computers by encrypted communication that passes through an encrypted security protocol (SSL) that is standard in e-commerce. This information will not be transferred by the company or Site operators to external parties, except as subject to the provisions of any law.
  4. As it deals in performing operations in an online environment, the Operator cannot guarantee complete immunity from its computers’ being penetrated and/or stored information’s being exposed by those perpetrating illegal activities. Therefore, should a third party manage to gain access to information stored by the Operator and/or misuse it, the User will have no claim and/or action and/or demand against the Operator.
  5. The Site can and will use Cookies for its day-to-day operations, including but not limited to for the purpose of collecting and verifying data to adapt the site to the User’s preferences, as well as for information-security purposes. It is clarified that, should the User wish to avoid Cookies, he can examine this option and for this purpose seek assistance from the help file of the browser he is using.
  6. In addition to the above, in circumstances that may grant an exemption due to coercion or frustration of the contract as defined in section 18 of the Contracts (Remedies for Breach of Contract) Act 1970, including but not limited to force majeure, pandemic including Covid-19, act of war and/or hostility and/or terrorism, the Operator will not be liable for any damage of any kind whatsoever, be it direct or indirect, caused to the User and/or to anyone on his behalf if information provided is lost or reaches a hostile party and/or it is used without permission.
  7. The Operator undertakes not to make use of the User’s details except for the purposes specified in these terms and conditions and in the Site’s privacy policy, including for the purpose of operating the Site and/or keeping in contact with the User and/or sending advertising content as set forth above, except in one or more of the following cases:
    • the User has used the Operator’s and/or the Site’s services to commit an illegal act and/or omission.
    • the operator receives a court order and/or instruction from a competent authority ordering it to provide the User’s details to a third party; or
    • in the event of a legal dispute or proceeding.
  8. It is also agreed that the Operator may use the User’s personal details on the Site without specifically identifying him for the purpose of analyzing statistical information and presenting it and/or transferring it to other parties.
  9. Pursuant to section 27 above, the Operator may make use of the aforesaid information to contact the User through each of the means of communication and/or the contact details he has provided on the Site, including by direct mailing, to offer the User any service and/or other information that the Operator believes is or may be of interest to the User in accordance with the segmentation of the information in its possession about him.
  10. The User may at any time contact the Site’s email address, hi@drinkmine.com, to ask not to receive offers as stated in section 28 above.

Sending promotional material

  1. Provided the User has approved the delivery of promotional material from the Site, the Operator may send him any promotional and/or marketing information at its sole discretion by any of the means of communication provided to it by the User when using the Site, including by email and SMS.
  2. Should the User have approved delivery of material from the Site as stated, but he does not wish to receive the promotional information or wishes that said information be sent to only one or more of the aforesaid means of communication, he must send such a request to the email address hi@drinkmine.com.

Customer service

  1. For more information or questions regarding the Products displayed on the Site, please email hi@drinkmine.com.

Law and jurisdiction

  1. These terms and conditions and/or any action and/or dispute arising herefrom will be governed by Israeli law only. The User agrees that sole jurisdictional authority to hear any dispute arising, directly or indirectly, from the provisions of these terms and conditions and/or from the use of the Site rests with the competent court in the city of Tel-Aviv only and not with any other court of law and/or venue.